Merry Christmas

I wish you all a Merry Christmas. I hope you had a good time together with your loved ones. As advised, we’ve come together in a very small family circle this year. It was quite, but nonetheless beautiful. This year was for all of us strange, we don’t need to mention why as everyone experienced it. But apart from that, there were a lot of unrelated new things going on in my personal life. So much that I couldn’t find the time or energy to talk about it on my blog. Some of the things have been stressful, but then … Continue reading Merry Christmas

I Wish You A Happy Holiday Season

I just want to wish you a happy holiday season. I will make it short this year. I will take a break because some fine mechanical parts below my keyboard’s space bar broke and I couldn’t repair it. If I can trust the Amazon status report, my new keyboard won’t arrive before 5th January. You know what that means, you won’t hear from me before that delivery arrived unless I create small posts with my tablet, but that’s unlikely because I’d rather write with a broken space bar. Which by the way happened with this post. If I hit it … Continue reading I Wish You A Happy Holiday Season