40 Cat Quotes That Are Brutally True

40 Cat Quotes That Are Brutally True

Today I did spend some time to search for cat quotes. I found hundreds of them but wrote down my favorite ones. What I like about quotes is that they are often so true. I wanted to create a list of the best cat quotes as I never done something similar on my blog. This is not only a list of funny cat quotes, they are additionally also brutally true quotes and some of them really made me laugh. Hope you will enjoy the list, hope it will make you smile too…

1. Time spent with cats is never wasted. Sigmund Freud

2. As every cat owner knows, nobody owns a cat. Ellen Perry Berkeley

3. Any household with at least one feline member has no need for an alarm clock. Louise A. Belcher

4. Cats are intended to teach us that not everything in nature has a purpose. Garrison Keillor

5. Cats seem to go on the principle that it never does any harm to ask for what you want. Joseph Wood Krutch

6. In ancient times cats were worshipped as gods; they have not forgotten this. Terry Pratchett

7. Cats have it all; admiration, an endless sleep, and company only when they want it. Rod McKuen

8. Those who’ll play with cats must expect to be scratched. Miguel de Cervantes

9. The problem with cats is that they get the exact same look on their face whether they see a moth or an axe-murderer. Paula Poundstone

10. I had been told that the training procedure with cats was difficult. It’s not. Mine had me trained in two days. Bill Dana

11. A cat is a puzzle for which there is no solution. Hazel Nicholson

12. One cat just leads to another. Ernest Hemingway

13. Intelligence in the cat is underrated. Louis Wain

14. Way down deep, we’re all motivated by the same urges. Cats have the courage to live by them. Jim Davis

15. A cat has absolute emotional honesty; human beings, for one reason or another, may
hide their feelings, but a cat does not. Ernest Hemingway

16. Dogs eat. Cats dine. Ann Taylor

17. Cats are connoisseurs of comfort. James Herriot

18. I love cats because I love my home and after a while they become its visible soul. Jean Cocteau

19. People that hate cats will come back as mice in their next life. Faith Resnick

20. The cat is above all things, a dramatist. Margaret Benson

21. Kittens are born with their eyes shut. They open them in about six days, take a look around, then close them again for the better part of their lives. Stephen Baker

22. People meeting for the first time suddenly relax if they find they both have cats. And plunge into anecdote. Charlotte Gray

23. In the middle of a world that had always been a bit mad, the cat walks with confidence. Rosanne Amberson

24. I’ve met many thinkers and many cats, but the wisdom of cats is infinitely superior. Hippolyte Taine

25. The trouble with a kitten is that eventually it becomes a cat. Ogden Nash

26. People who love cats have some of the biggest hearts around. Susan Easterly

27. There’s no need for a piece of sculpture in a home that has a cat. Wesley Bates

28. It always gives me a shiver when I see a cat seeing what I can’t see. Eleanor Farjeon

29. Authors like cats because they are such quiet, lovable, wise creatures, and cats like authors for the same reasons. Robertson Davies

30. If you are worthy of its affection, a cat will be your friend, but never your slave. Theophile Gautier

31. The ideal of calm exists in a sitting cat. Jules Renard 

32. You can not look at a sleeping cat and feel tense. Jane Pauley

33. The mathematical probability of a common cat doing exactly as it pleases is the one scientific absolute in the world. Lynn M. Osband

34. The key to a successful new relationship between a cat and human is patience. Susan Easterly

35. A cat will do what it wants when it wants, and there’s not a thing you can do about it. Frank Perkins

36. The man who carries a cat by the tail learns something that can be learned in no other way. Mark Twain

37. If you would know what a cat is thinking about, you must hold its paw in your hand for a long time. Jules Champfleury

38. A cat allows you to sleep on the bed. On the edge. Jenny de Vries

39. All cats like being the focus of attention. Peter Gray

40. A meow massages the heart. Stuart McMillan

Not enough? Check out the additional list of 30 absolutely interesting cat quotes.

138 thoughts on “40 Cat Quotes That Are Brutally True

  1. Number 29, without a doubt.

    I love cats. I tolerate dogs, but after seven incidents of being bitten and mauled, I’ve formed an opinion about them. Cats just make sense.


  2. Great post. although I have a few cat quotes of my own…but my handler said I couldn’t send share them. Love your blog. (Dogs need equal time.)-just sayin
    The Therapy Dog With Opinions

  3. This entire list is fantastic, but #32 particularly struck home with me. Whenever I am at my wit’s end, I can always look over to see my cat (who is never more than two steps away from me at any given moment), calmly sleeping through all my turmoil. Seeing this, my soul is soothed.

    1. I can sign this. No matter how angry or sad I am if something bad in life happened. My cat will manage it to calm me down. If I can´t sleep because I think too much, once again my cat will calm me down and I fall asleep. I think pets have this soothing power or healing power in general and are really good for the soul.

      1. Agreed. 🙂 They are tiny (or not so tiny) furry blessings. The thing with cats is, though, that they know it, and they don’t hesitate to remind you at every turn.

      2. This is so true. And blessings is really the right word 🙂 They smarter than some people think. They observe us and know when we feel bad or good. And they know how to tell us about their feelings too. I would miss something if there wouldn´t be a cat present in my apartment.

    1. That happened out of boredom. As a can opener I was totally amazed about the quotes because they have so much substance. Looking at my cat, then I thought “This will make a good list!” and started to write down my favorite ones. 🙂

    1. Hehe, I do that too. Kittens are sugar but cats are still cute too. Anyway, I am very happy that I still have some photos of my cat when she was a tiny kitten. But also today she didn´t forget how to keep me busy. She´s still very playful 🙂 Love her so much.

  4. As the new owner of two kittens, I got a good laugh out of this! Thanks for taking the time to gather all these great quotes…. loved them all! And they are all so true!

    1. That makes me very happy when people laugh 🙂 I promise you, you will have a lot of fun with your kittens, and they with you, but you probably noticed already 🙂 Welcome to the cat community!

  5. This makes me miss my cats so much! I am totally a cat person but my family got a dog and it won’t let anything in the yard except for us and itself obviously. My last cat was almost 20 years old when she decided to take her journey to the other side (She had come into our family when she was 6). She disappeared into the woods and I haven’t seen her for over a year. This post really warmed my heart much like my cat used to warm my lap. Thank you for helping bring up wonderful memories!

    1. Oh, that is really sad to hear that your cat disappeared. I know people who had that happen too but they had real luck. One friend of me had luck and the cat came back on the same day. Another friend had a cat that prefered to discover the world for some weeks until they found the cat again. A year is long but you have beautiful memories and I am glad that I could remind you to the wonderful memories, but it makes me sad to hear your story.

    1. Thank you for stopping by. I assumed my cat wouldn´t be the only one that lives by these quotes 🙂 Indeed, the quotes are extremely honest. I thought too that they would describe most cats very well. 🙂

  6. Thank you for sharing these awesome quotes! Our family cat of 16 years is not doing well. He was recently diagnosed with kidney disease so I enjoyed reading through these. He is an amazing cat and always will be. Reblogged! 🙂

    1. Thanks for reblogging and I hope you have a good time with your cat. It´s very sad to hear that your cat is not doing well. But I am sure you give your cat the best time and care. I am glad that you liked my favorite list of cat quotes. Thank you much for stopping by. I wish you and your cat all the best 🙂

    1. Not sure how I could miss this saying in my list. I love this one. My cat is boss here too, I am just subtenant and can opener. Agree, you can´t own cats, they own us 🙂

    1. While one cat character can be different than the other one, I believe they still have some very common general character traits, which is why the quotes probably fit so well. 🙂 At some points, most cats are very similar 🙂

  7. My little kitty man emulates these quotes with his unpredictable antics and the complete embodiment of having a true character, an actual personality.

    Good to know other cat people enjoy little things like this. 🙂

    1. I pretty much know what you are talking about… cats and unpredictable antics, these words could make a nice and true quote in a phrase too. If anything describes my cat well, then it´s the word “unpredictable”. 🙂

    1. Makes me totally happy that I made someones day with the list 🙂 But I guess we should thank the famous persons who came up with the honest sayings about cats. I just had to put them in a list because they were too honest and funny. The moth and axe-murderer quote was indeed hilarious. Have a nice weekend. 🙂

    1. Though, bunnies are cute too! My half-brother does have some! I am happy that you liked the quote list. Now get a kitty cat so that you can experience that all the famous people I quoted are right with their sayings about cats 😀 They totally are 🙂

  8. Cats are so cool. You know Cindy Crawford once said on TV she hated cats and could not stand them. That day I decided I would never sleep with her no matter how hard or often she asked me to. Now that’s a cat lover!

    1. That made me laugh 🙂 Now I do wonder what cats thought when they met Cindy. Feelings are mutual. Maybe she didn´t like them because they didn´t like her. I agree, you seems to be a loyal cat fan! Much appreciated! 🙂

  9. #38. I swear my cat can hear from wherever he is in our house, when I get into my bed. He comes running at full speed and takes his spot next to me in the middle of the bed. I’m barely allowed to move in my small amount of given space.

    1. Haha, yes this can be a battle. I am also not really an owner of a bed. I also need to ask my cat if there is still some space for me. But there is not much space left if the middle is already taken by a cat. But that is something that probably only cat owner do understand. 🙂

  10. LOVE this post! I’ve had two cats but after living their long fruitful lives, I don’t know if I can have more. Your post makes me want to perhaps try again.

    1. Thanks for the feedback about the post and thanks for your comment. Sorry to ask you, but did you mean you still have two cats or did you mean they are not there anymore? You said “I’ve had” and then you said “I don’t know if I can have more”. Sorry, that I didn’t understand you.

      1. Hey Dennis – sorry about that! I was in a rush when writing (always re-read!).

        My cats lived a very long life, one 16 years and the other 15. They had good lives and enriched my own as well. When I lost them I was very heartbroken. They were there when my mom had passed away when I was just 21. I don’t think I can own another cat and go through that pain again.

      2. Oh, I understand now what you mean. This sounds very sad. 😦 You have gone through a lot as it seems. I do pretty much understand your decision. I wish you all the best.

    1. Thank you. Cool that your cat and dog get on well together. This must be very cute. I do also love dogs. There are many other pets in our family but in my apartment is just the cat you can see on the photo of the quote list. But when I visit the family, I am really happy that we have so many other pets there too. That is so much fun.

      1. I have 3 dogs and a cat and am going to get a fish. Unfortunately our two dogs and cat get along most of the time. The youngest dog tends to get extremely jealous and doesn’t get along well. No matter how much attention we give him he’s never happy especially when we give the others attention. They are all adorable in their own way though. Your post was cute and I’m following your blog. I haven’t had time today but will be checking out your other posts. You’re a very good writer.

      2. Fishes are good! I have two fish tanks and this is really a relaxing hobby too (not only because of the beautiful fishes but also because the beautiful underwater plants that I can let grow). Looks like you have a big pet gang there! Yes pets can be very jealous if there are other animals as well. But I am pretty much sure you take care and know how to handle it.

        Thanks for the compliments and thanks for following. Be prepared, my blog is about a lot of different subjects. I am more of a “mixed” blogger. I will check out all blogs who commented here when things calm down here, to see if I find something interesting and I might follow too then. I´ll start this in order and will soon visit your blog as well 🙂

        Thanks for visiting!

  11. You can’t forget Kipling’s cat. “I am the Cat who walks by himself, and all places are alike to me.” It is my favorite.

    1. I like it, that is a good cat quote too! When I researched, there really was a mass of quotes that I found and I somehow had to nail it down and decided for a list of fourty quotes. Thanks for adding another good quote in the comment section 🙂

    1. Yes, I think that really fits well. Most people in my family have dogs and they are graceful too, but I agree, cats and dogs both have a very different character and different behaviours. That’s what I see if I compare my cat with the dogs in the family. There is a big difference but they all are adorable on their own. 🙂

  12. I grew up with cats around me. My mother was petrified of dogs ever since a childhood incident. I adore them and currently have 4 living with me – as No.2 says I don’t own them they stay here because they want to! lol Great post with some excellent quotes 😀

    1. I am happy that you liked the list of cat quotes too 🙂 It seems that you have a big cat crew at home 🙂 Must be fun! I just have one cat but I plan to get a second one.

    1. Haha, that’s cool! I bet you are born in the 80’s then too? I think Dennis was a quite popular name in the 80’s at least in Germany. If you meet a German Dennis, there is a high chance that he is born in the 80’s. Not sure if it’s the same in your country.

      It’s very motivating that there is such a big difference in the age of your both cats because I plan to get a second cat, but since my cat is already 6 most people suggest that it is a bad idea to get a kitten. But I will search for a kitten anyway as I am patient and have some cat experience already, and well, kittens are super cute! So, there would be a difference in 6 years in case I get a second cat.

      Thanks for visiting 🙂

    1. Hello Denise 🙂 Nice to meet you 🙂 I think you are not a rare breed. I guess most people like all kind of pets, they just have to decide for one. Even if I am cat owner, or rather ownded by a cat, I always enjoy to go out with the dogs in my family 🙂

  13. 34. The key to a successful new relationship between a cat and human is patience. Susan Easterly

    I truly believe this. A cat can also be trained with enough patience and mutual respect. My cat and I have an unbelievable relationship. She’ll sit in the bathroom and watch me get ready every morning. I trim her nails and give her baths and she behaves perrrrfectly. She always greets me when I get home. If she likes a song I’m playing she will stand up on her hind legs with her front legs on my leg- she wants up because she wants to dance. I’ll rock her and dance with her to the beat of the music. It’s the strangest, most beautiful thing. Once a song comes on that she doesn’t like she will want down. She even growls when someone she doesn’t know comes to the door! She is remarkable!

    1. I agree with this. Patience is the key with cats. I taught my cat a lot of tricks and most people think it wouldn’t be possible but it is. You just need patience with cats 🙂

      I sign the rest of what you said too as I made a similar experience. My cat is watching me every morning too when I get ready in the bathroom or she follows me in the kitchen and so. Cats will give something back if you love them and if you are patient with them 🙂

      You wrote that very well and there is nothing to add 🙂

  14. I’m a proud cat lady. Not ashamed to admit it. I started a blog featuring my kitty, Jebus because clients at work (I work for a vet) suggested it since I like to dress him up. Funny kitty list. I can relate. When it comes to training – my cats train me 🙂

    1. I am cat person too and not ashamed either 🙂 I think pets are cool in general. I agree with you, they rather train us 🙂 I am glad you liked the cat quotes!

    1. My cat really behaves like a sculpture at times. Cats have patience and like to monitor their area from one spot, so, there is truth in the quote 😀 I am glad you like the quote too 🙂

  15. I like 36. Mark Twain has a lot of good quotes. 38 is great too. My favorite cat quote is by Eckart Tolle, “I have lived with several Zen masters – all of them cats.”

    1. About Mark Twain’s quote, I do at least know two people in my circles who got taught a lesson by my cat. But don’t worry, they didn’t grab my cat’s tail, they just thought they could cuddle with a cat, like you can do with small dogs 😀 She didn’t like it at all, she thought it was intrusive and punished them with the claws.

      Number 38, that is so true yes. Cats are smaller, but once you allow them to be on the bed, they act as if they would need more space than you 🙂

      The Eckart Tolle quote is very funny 🙂

  16. I have always had cats, in fact my first photos with me in the playpen have two cats keeping me company. Of course. Over time I have had 25 cats, sometimes as many as 8 or 9 at once, and never regretted any of them. Always something to learn, something to discover, since most of them are strays or rescue cats and have private stories to tell. The joy is understanding why they do what they do.

    Thank you for these quotes. All of them, are perfect.

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