Common Blackbird

Not much to say about the photo above, apart from the fact that it is a Common Blackbird. We have them everywhere flying around in our districts. Currently I do more sports than hiking, and when I just roam around in our city districts, I shoot more common photos, like common birds, cats and stuff like that. Two days ago I was running again and was totally mad when I saw this grey heron with a fish between the beak. Of course I don’t have a camera with me when I go run. But maybe I shouldn’t complain, because I … Continue reading Common Blackbird

Common Blackbird Picture

I did already upload several common blackbird photos to my blog, but here is another one. I really didn’t like the highlights in the background, which is why I partly reduced vibrance and highlights. I did also decrease saturation of the blue colour to make the heaven highlights in the background even less apparent. Then I used the adjustment brush to reduce the contrast, exposure and saturation on the tree branch to shift the focus away from it. For the bird I used another adjustment brush to brighten the plumage and to show a little bit of detail. As I … Continue reading Common Blackbird Picture

Blackbird 300mm Test Photo Under Bad Conditions

Above you can see a cropped image of a 300mm test shot I did take under bad weather conditions with my new 70-300mm Tamron lens. It was pretty cloudy, the ISO was bumped up to 1600, which is why the image is grainy even after using the noise reduction tool in Lightroom. Of course, the cropping makes the high ISO more apparent, but without editing it looked worse. Below I will show you the image without crop, and after that I will show you the image without crop and without changes in Lightroom. As said, the image was shot at … Continue reading Blackbird 300mm Test Photo Under Bad Conditions

Just A Common Blackbird, But Anyway…

The recent weekly photo challenge is about (Extra)ordinary things, and it took me a while to decide what kind of photo I would use for the challenge, mainly because I have all kind of photos that would fit. I eventually decided to use a photo of a common blackbird, because this summer I was pretty much into bird photography. How do I interpret the challenge or why did I choose a bird photo? I’d say certain birds are ordinary creatures, here in Germany it won’t take you much time to spot a common blackbird for example, at least in the … Continue reading Just A Common Blackbird, But Anyway…

Bird On The Roof

I saw this bird on my hiking tour through our city when I was trying to find interesting things to photograph. You really get more attentive if you go out often with you camera, I just start to notice more little details. I maybe would not have noticed the bird on the roof but I do now check out everything around me more thorough I think. I think this is a common blackbird, doing a break on the roof. I couldn’t get very close to the bird while zooming in, but today I noticed at home that this is again … Continue reading Bird On The Roof