List of Useful Battlefield 4 Console Commands

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About the BF4 Console

Battlefield 4 has a console which you can use to type in several commands with different effects. To open the console in Battlefield 4, we need to use the tilde key (~) on or keyboard and if we want to close the console, we press the same key again. But once opened the console, we can type in several helpful commands which can activate several functions and settings if we confirm the typed in command with the return key on our keyboard.

The effect of a command is active as long as we do not close the game or as long as we do not disable the command via console again. To have one console command active for a longer time, we could alternatively create a config file for BF4, where we save our commands so that they are always active.

Here is a List of Very Useful BF4 Console Commands

– PerfOverlay.FrameFileLogEnable

Note: This is a list of some raw commands. You can find out which values can be used behind each command, if you click on the command link. This will lead you to an article and description about the particular command you clicked on and the article will explain how you can use it and what effect the command has. If you want to see a full list of all console commands, then type “list” without quotation marks into the console of BF4.

After most of the commands you need to type space followed by a parameter, a boolean value. The parameter 1 works means “on” and the parameter 0 means “off”. Alternatively, you can use the word true and false. But some commands also need special numeral variables or a float data type, to define the exact effect of the command. But as said… you can find out more about each console command if you click on the article links.

There are even more commands available and it might be, that I will add them to the list, if I wrote an article about the other commands.