Happy Places

The recent WordPress Photo Challenge comes with the theme “Happy Place”. I do not think that there is just one single place where I feel relaxed or happy, I know several happy places. My home acts as a safe haven where I can relax, where I can get creative, where I can mute problems, where I can feel happy most of the time. The same counts for the homes of family members, or the homes of close friends. But there is more than just that.

I know happy zones outside as well, I do for example enjoy to hike, and usually I won’t stop after a few miles, and even if my feet starts to hurt, I might add some extra miles. While there are nice places within the city, I do prefer the parks with all the nature, the gardens, and sometimes I go for so long until I arrive at places where there are no things made by man, that’s where I can find true happiness, where you find peace of mind.

For this photo challenge I don’t upload a very special photo, but a photo that fits to what I just wrote, a picture that I shot during one of my hikes, a picture of one of the paths I saw during my hike along the riverside. I do love to take paths, and I like to go several hours.

Riverside Path

14 thoughts on “Happy Places

      1. It’s seems WordPress.com had a breakdown, the forum was full of complains and I noticed later that some things did indeed not load well. Now it’s back to normal.

      1. As I said in the other comment, WordPress had issues according to several forum entries. Anyway, thanks a lot for letting me know, because it could have been that I did forget to add the image, although it wasn’t the case, but I could have fixed the problem because your comment if that would have been the case. So, I don’t think it was your adblock. Thanks for your comment and have a great weekend too! 🙂

    1. Me too, especially when I discover new ones. I like it if I don’t know where a path will lead me to 😀 Yep, nature is a place where I can be happy.

    1. A lot of people are, some are just walking there, some do run to do sport, others like me takes photos, then the angler, and people with boats… I think rivers are often a happy zone for many people. 🙂

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